The Second Month of Pregnancy

The Second Month of Pregnancy

The Second Month of Pregnancy

Mar 15, 2022
2 mins

Your baby is now approximately the size of a pea, but there is a lot going on during this time. Learn more about Weeks 5 to 8 of your pregnancy, below.

Week 5

How is baby developing?

Baby is very busy growing various organs and tissues, including the brain, and beginnings of the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. By this stage, baby’s pulmonary and digestive systems are also steadily forming, which includes a more prominent development of their heart. An ultrasound during this time could show your little one’s heart beating!

How is your body changing? 

Hormonal changes may make you feel a little more irritable or edgy, and certain tastes and smells can become very unappetising. Physically, you may experience nausea (the beginnings of morning sickness!) and some pain or pulling in your pelvic region due to strengthened blood flow. By this stage, you will have missed your period, but slight spotting can also appear.

Week 6

How is baby developing? 

6 weeks in, baby’s organs and tissues are beginning to take on a more recognizable form. Although only the size of a kidney bean at this point, optic nerves are forming, limbs are lengthening, and your little one will make some of their first movements (although you probably won’t feel these until your 2nd trimester!).

How is your body changing?

As your hormone levels rise, you may experience more severe morning sickness, weight changes, fuller and more sensitive breasts, and trouble sleeping. Your body is beginning to bear the strain of pregnancy, and it is important for you to start taking it easy during this time!

Week 7

How is baby developing? 

You and your little one begin physically connecting, with the formation of the umbilical cord taking place. Remarkably, baby doubles in size this week compared to Week 6, meaning you can begin to see their developing features on an ultrasound. Some of these features include facial features and a quick heartbeat (of 150 to 160 bpm!).

How is your body changing?

Morning sickness persists and can be accompanied by weight gain and pregnancy cravings (some of which may be surprising!). A growing uterus and changing hormone levels can also mean making more trips to the bathroom!

Week 8

How is baby developing?

Baby is now moving more purposefully as the limbs, muscles, and bones develop more fully. By the end of this week, your little one’s heart and vascular systems should be developed.

How is your body changing?

You may begin experiencing more significant mood swings this week. This is normal because of fluctuating hormones! Your breasts will continue to enlarge, and your waistline may increase. It is also normal to begin experiencing some cramping as your uterus grows.

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