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Growing Kid Academy

Welcome to the NESTLÉ® NANKID® Growing Kid Academy

The essential parenting guide

The essential parenting guide to your Growing Kid, their Growing Body and Growing Mind.

Your 3–5-year-old is growing fast and rapidly discovering the world in amazing new ways and the NESTLÉ® NANKID® Growing Kid Academy is here to help you navigate the happy chaos that comes with it.

Our aim is to provide a supportive community and equip parents and caregivers with the tools and knowledge to help children thrive.

Your child’s development is a journey

Your child’s development is a journey


As your child grows, they’ll pass through key milestones that involve physical, social, emotional, cognitive and communication skills. Here’s an overview of what you can expect as their development unfolds between ages 3-5.

Remember that while children develop in predictable ways, each child is different and will develop in their own time.


Popular topics

Featured articles with all the info you need about your Growing Kid, their Growing Body and Growing Mind.



Downloadable tools, resources and fun ideas for different ages to educate and entertain.


Got any questions?

We’ve got you covered.


What makes the NESTLÉ® NANKID®

Growing Kid Academy a trusted ally?

Inclusive, honest and uplifting
Inclusive, honest and uplifting content that empowers and supports at every stage and age.

Up-do-date, practical information for the South African parent and caregiver.
Guilt-free and encouraging guidance
Guilt-free and encouraging guidance, because parenting is tough enough without being preached to.